About Me & Us

Tomonori Tomura, CEO, Japan Management Research Institute, LLC.

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Message from Tomonori Tomura

 I engage in unique forms of research and development and promote original and innovative concepts out of Japan unlike those found anywhere else, primarily focusing on elaborating lots of patented intellectual property and cutting-edge solutions I possess, bringing novel viewpoints to the business climate, rather than rehashed solutions of prior work from other countries.

 I always interrogate the question of whether the status quo is truly valid, from a range of vectors and constructive criticism and discussion towards practicable outcomes.

 I take an on-the-ground practical approach to real management issues in an affirmative way through working closely with clients to address their sundry needs and concerns and strive to be their best partner in a neutral and rational way.

 I am often asked by reporters in interviews is what the right ethical approach to management is. I believe it is not about showy questionable deals geared at maximizing revenue or going public, but about focusing first and foremost on what clients and society need, and that is what I have emphasized over the course of my career.

 Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Tomonori Tomura

My World Firsts

- Advocates and promotes "SDGs Economics" (C) Tomonori Tomura

- First person in the world to advocate the concept of a drone rescue team (DDAT)

- First person in the world to advocate the concept of a drone airport used to secure logistics by drones in the event of disasters, and to contribute to regional development and use of recreational facilities

- First person in the world to advocate, announce at a conference, and publish a "4th Generation Balanced Score Card" used to evaluate corporate governance in terms of balancing both revenue strategies and risk management. His paper was published in US magazine BP Trend.

- First person in the world to advocate, announce at a conference, and publish a proposal for a cloud-based crisis management system leveraging cloud computing prior to the Great East Japan Earthquake.

- First person in the world to develop an IFRS impact map and publish the concept of IFRS literacy to clarify what transformative changes International Financial Reporting Standards can have on business.

- First person to develop and advocate the use of big data impact maps and big data strategic mapping from the vantage point of utilization in business management, and presented these findings in a keynote speech at CEATEC JAPAN 2014.

- Developed the world's first Japanese version of a fully-compliant COSO model for internal control awareness and tools for practical investigations. This development was featured in the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper.

- First person in the world to develop an integrated company-wide risk management (iERM) methodology and system in use by the Bank of Japan and financial organs, and holds the registered trademarks and intellectual property to the KRI (Key Risk Indicator) and KCI (Key Control Indicator) concepts utilized by major IT firms and Deloitte Tohmatsu. Long before the concept of company-wide risk management became mainstream, Tomura was involved in coaching using a BSC (balanced scorecard) system, and promoting milestone management utilizing a PDCA cycle and KPIs for revenue strategy. He was one of the first to point out that accelerating the decision-making process through revenue strategy nevertheless led to an "unbalanced scorecard" that failed to take into account risk management decisions. He leads practical coaching, advocacy, and lectures on the concept of using Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) and Key Control Indicators (KCIs) as a metric of those KRIs when configuring initial risk management KPIs in the context of BSC.

- First person in the world to advocate and present, prior to the Great East Japan Earthquake, findings indicating the viability of use of big data for risk management in the cloud for disaster prevention and reduction, risk management, crisis management, and DR, and was invited to give a talk on these findings at an International Academy of CIO conference. Following the disaster, numerous Japanese IT vendors released cloud-based solutions closely following Tomura's proposed cloud-driven crisis management system, and he became a global opinion leader on the subject.

- Developed a shuffling card training system used for practical development of disaster preparedness and crisis management skills, and appeared on the NHK (E Television) "Go for it! Company Stars! (Mezase! Kaisha no Hoshi!)" program, where an entire building was rented for the purposes of conducting moment-to-moment disaster response skills. In addition, also appeared for panel discussions at the broadcaster in a special featurette entitled "Tomura-style intensive disaster preparedness lectures," where he engaged mainstream viewers in awareness of the issues. Since before the Great East Japan Earthquake, he has striven to promote practical, on-the-ground responses, rather than formalized, theoretical disaster prevention and crisis management.

- First person in the world to develop, advocate, and publish the concept of "Auditing Communication Techniques."

- First person in the world to develop, advocate, and publish the concept of "Auditing Management."

- First person in the world to advocate and publish the concept of "Auditoria Psychology."

- First founder and recipient in the world of the Bold Auditor Award. Given that auditors can fall prone to overlooking important issues, he trains auditors to maintain a fair and reasonable balance as outside parties responsible for seriously improving internal control at corporations.

- First person in the world to advocate, publish, and provide coaching on the concept of Integrated Internal Governance as a comprehensive and unified approach to corporate governance and interior control.

- Advocates for the use of cutting-edge drone disaster response teams (DDAT) for disaster recovery, local revitalization, and other beneficial uses.

- Announced the cutting-edge concept of drone accident investigation committees which use drones for safety management, and to prevent the recurrence of accidents.

*Also possesses countless other intellectual property rights, such as world-first and Japan-first recommendations and advocacy.

My Profile

 I am mainly active in three areas: (1) management guidance, consulting, and counseling; (2) appearances, presentations, and guidance at keynote speeches, seminars, human resource development/training, etc.; and (3) media appearances and information dissemination.

 Ranked third prize in a survey of the most popular lecturers in Japan (Nikkei Business Daily feature article).

 Received a commendation from the Japanese Red Cross Society for his social contribution activities. Received a special honorable citation from the Japan Veterans Association. Received a cultural award from his alma mater, Osaka Prefectural Tennoji High School. Received the Outstanding Student Award (The National Dean's List), given to only the top 0.5% of students in the U.S., based on the President's recommendation for character and academic achievement after completing an MBA in the U.S.

 Born in Osaka City, Japan. Graduated from Osaka Prefectural Tennoji High School (Tenko) (awarded the Cultural Merit Award by his alma mater). Graduated from Waseda University. Earned an MBA in the USA. Left the US doctoral (Ph.D.) course midway due to joining United Nations' mission as its mission expert.

 While working at the United Nations, he was in charge of the UN's internal audit operations, led the UN's strategic planning operations, was a special lecturer for UN staff training, and was in charge of public relations and corporate recruitment for the UN Global Compact (UNGC), a global CSR movement led by the United Nations. In an international workplace, he has been involved in human rights awareness, human rights advocacy, SDGs, ESG-related issues, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I, DEI), global human resources development compliance, BCP/risk management/crisis management, audit guidance, business ethics, human rights guidance, ethics guidance, counter-terrorism measures for non-military organizations, etc., while also putting them into practice.

 In Japan, I have been practicing, experiencing, and teaching world-class responses to issues such as SDG-related issues, CSR, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I), work-life balance, compliance, internal controls, human rights mitigation, human rights due diligence, risk management, crisis management, and counter-terrorism measures for non-military organizations even before they became popular or received attention in Japan.

 After leaving the United Nations, I worked in a private company at the executive level, overseeing human resources and general affairs, as well as auditing. He was also an adjunct lecturer at Okayama University Graduate School, a board member and chairman of the East Japan Research Department of the Japanese Association of Administrative Science (JAAS), an advisor to the NIPPON OMNI-MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION Research Institute (NOMA Research Institute), a temporary general manager of a hotel that hosted a summit meeting, general support from software supervision and sales & marketing to keynote speeches and sales support, an advisor to the listed IT company JFE Systems, Inc. executive advisor to a temp agency which is the subsidiary of a major trading company, first chairman of the compliance committee of the Japan branch of AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association), a general organization for private pilots of private aircraft around the world, and organizer of the Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Support Forum in Tokyo.

 I am involving the development, advocacy and awareness of the world's first initiatives from Japan.

 I am active as a commentator and media commentator on anti-scandal, corporate integrity and media measures, as a debater and commentator on a wide range of fields and topics, and as a person who deals with people who engage in misconduct with a deep heart, a smile and a cheerful attitude, without regard to profit and loss, with a firm belief in soundness and persistent energy.

 I was also served as an advisor to Universal Aviation, a top Japanese company with a global network that provides flight management services for private and business jets for VIP guests and wealthy individuals.

 I am also an advisor to the Senior Second Career Promoting Association (SSC), which is leading the industry in the effective utilization and revitalization of senior human resources through their reskilling, including second careers for seniors in "the era of the 100-year lifespan" and lifelong active employment.

 As a director of Noblesse Oblige C&M Foundation that promotes social giving based on the SDGs, I work with a board that includes a world-renowned medical professor and a decoration-winning former IMF (World Bank) executive director to coordinate and oversee activities focused on the super-rich, such as medical welfare and arts promotion.

 I also chair the selection committee for the Courageous Governance Award, Courageous Auditor Award, and Courageous Whistleblower Award at the Corporate Governance Awards (CG Award) every year.

 I provide a range of services, from compact training for executives of listed companies (including power and gas companies, large listed trading companies, general contractors and other large construction companies, and other various large companies) to intensive training for the next generation of executives, as well as general positions in small and medium-sized companies and venture companies. I also provide training for professionals as an expert who trains professionals, including lawyers, certified public accountants, partners and executives of auditing corporations, certified tax accountants, social security workers. I also provided guidance to the National Tax Agency, Fire and Disaster Management Agency, Police Headquarters (top to executive level), government offices, administrative agencies, and local governments (ethics training, human rights training, public lectures, keynote speeches, etc.), and I am flexible and responsive to various requests within reasonable time and scope.

 In addition, I have appeared as a speaker at a wide range of events, including public interest events, forums and events hosted by chambers of commerce and industry and industry groups, labor unions, Japan Agricultural Cooperatives (JA), and Junior Chamber International, and I also appear as a lecturer providing guidance to professionals, including consultants from major consulting firms.

 I have pioneered the world's first methods and measures, developed and provided the world's first "Audit Communication Techniques" and its training courses, and advocated Key Risk Indicators that are essential for financial institutions' Basel regulatory measures, Integrated Enterprise Risk Management (iERM), and other measures, making presentations at academic conferences, Before the Great East Japan Earthquake, I was the first in the world to propose a "crisis management type cloud" as a disaster response, disaster prevention, IT-BCP, and DR response for cloud computing, and I also spoke at various lecture tours to introduce local government clouds in Japan. I was the first in the world to formulate and compile guidelines for drone disaster relief. I also work as an IT evangelist, strengthening the governance with internal control measures, audits and organizational capabilities for listed IPOs.

 I have given a special lecture on artificial intelligence with the ex president of Google, and a special lecture on creating a sustainable supply chain through industrial business automation, machine learning, and work style reform at the request of Google. I also gave a special lecture on the world's first IT management model at CEATEC, Japan's largest IT exhibition, and have given numerous keynote and special lectures on IT management innovation at the request of both foreign and major Japanese IT companies. I have also given many keynote speeches and special lectures on the digital transformation (DX) at the request of both foreign and major Japanese IT companies. I have been a pioneer in the field of DX. I am an active thought leader in the IT world as a pioneer in the field of it.

 I have developed and provided integrated business models for the world's largest corporations, including cutting-edge business models such as Web3, Metaverse, Crypto Assets, DAO, and NFT, from Japan and for the first time in the world. I also provide guidance on DX promotion and management reform using generative AI such as ChatGPT, as well as risk management, cyber risk measures, and audit responses.

 As a CEO, I took a one-year paternity leave and prioritized family life until my child turned 3, while continuing to work on DE&I(DEI), work style reform, telecommuting, etc. In addition, I try to provide guidance through my own practical experience (e.g., I am currently working on our company's IT environment settings and voice auto-response systems, trying them out myself and using everything around me as learning material).

 Having been involved in corporate support from an early stage, I am one of the longest-serving active trainers in the areas of internal control, compliance, risk management, BCP, crisis management and dealing with listed companies.

 Based on the above, I have been practicing and providing guidance as the mission expert of the United Nations on diversity management, CSR, human rights, ESG, which are closely watched by institutional investors, and the SDGs long before they became the focus of Japanese companies and society. As a the expert, I have been involved in their implementation and guidance in Japan from an early stage.

 I have also provided guidance from a neutral and fair standpoint (not taking sides, but focusing on what is important as a human being) to Keidanren-related (employers) and Rengo/Rodo-related (workers) organizations, and have served as a main panelist for major lectures and panel discussions. I have provided guidance on internal controls to professionals such as representative partners of auditing firms (equivalent to representative directors or officers in a company), lawyers, and certified public accountants from an early stage.

 In a listed company, I also acted as a coordinator for internal control, governance, compliance, holding joint study sessions and exchanging opinions with the head of the audit corporation in charge of the company, certified public accountants, and the internal audit department.

 I have also provided expert advice and on-site training on internal control systems under the Companies Act and internal control of local governments under the Local Autonomy Act, as well as acted as an internal control advisor to a large trading company and provided advice to IPO candidates.

 In the case of major disasters, I have also provided disaster relief (details are available on our press release page) by taking the initiative to provide free guidance on disaster prevention/mitigation, BCP (business continuity), and crisis management, which are also part of my main business, along with donations.

 In order to practice and provide guidance on non-military civilian counter-terrorism rescue, etc., I have acquired and demonstrated skills such as vertical rope descent, and carry IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit) both for non-military purposes and for rescue of civilians in my work and private lives.

 I also advise parliamentarians and parliamentary staff on issues such as parliamentary reform and the use of IT in parliament, as well as governors, mayors, local government officials, audit committee members, local communities and neighborhood associations. (e.g. keynote speech at the general meeting of the Association of Prefectural Auditors' Conference)

 In 2020, I was in charge of the audit of the PFI project as an audit specialist member of Yao City (Osaka Prefecture).

 I am currently the author of 33 books, including "The Decline and Revival of Corporate Governance" (Chuokeizai-sha), as well as numerous magazine articles and papers. Ranked 3rd in a Nikkei Business Daily feature article on the most popular lecturers in Japan for their ability to explain difficult topics (Nikkei Business Daily Survey).

I give about 120 keynote speeches, lectures and training courses a year

- Training for board members and management at an electrical company
- Per-level training at an electricity-related company
- Training for board members and management, as well as a special lecture at an anniversary event, for a listed gas company
- Per-level training and training for board members, management, and new staff members at a listed major general trading company
- Company-wide training, training for board members and directors, and opinion surveying for a listed major pharmaceutical company
- Company-wide as well as management training for a listed major manufacturing company
- Per-level training and keynote speeches for government administrative offices and organs, self-governing bodies, local government heads and Diet members
- Ethics and human rights training, keynote speeches at a human rights lecture meeting, and special lectures regarding employment support at self-governing bodies

My media appearances, etc.

- ABEMA Prime "#Abe-Pura 2: Is that SNS a case of adding fuel to the fire? Live Performance as Special Guest and Production Cooperation, TV appearance
- NTV Sunday drama "Brush Up Life" - flight supervision, drama performance (you can see at Netflix)
- NHK "Close-Up Gendai" - Program production supervision, TV appearance
- NHK (E-television) "Aim to be a Star of the Company" - expert guest TV appearance, program production cooperation
- Fuji TV "Viking" - studio live appearance corner for corporate scandals - TV appearance
- Fuji TV "Viking MORE" - expert commentary and program production cooperation
- TBS "Hiruobi" - appeared on TV to explain the SDGs, work style reform and the introduction of a vacation system
- TBS "Vivid" - appeared on TV to discuss "complaint disasters" and was in charge of a segment.
- Yomiuri TV "Downtown DX" - assisted with production, general direction/P/D guidance
- NHK Educational Program "Kango Longo" - program production cooperation
- Tokyo MX TV "Golden Hour" commentator on crisis management and disaster, program production supervision, TV appearance
- BS11 "Inside Out" on the recall problems and risk management of automobile companies in North America, TV appearance
- TV Asahi 'Akira Ikegami's Learnable News' program supervision
- Nippon Broadcasting System "Jiro Shinbo's Zoom! Live performance on "Gekiron Rock & Go, radio appearance
- Tokyo FM 'One Morning' - commentator on the new coronavirus infection, radio appearance
- Tokyo FM (radio) 'One Morning' - commentator on the New coronavirus infection (COVID-19), lockdown issues, etc., radio appearance
- Tokyo FM's "Chronos" commentator on the Great East Japan Earthquake and its recovery, radio appearance

 In addition to the above, I has appeared on TV and radio, helped produce programs, contributed to newspapers, magazines, online media, etc., and written a number of series (from 10-year series to one-off articles).

 33 books published.

My qualifications, etc.

- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Private Pilot: ASEL
- American Heart Association BLS Provider
- Drone pilot (JUIDA: unmanned aircraft pilot license, unmanned aircraft safety operations manager license)
- Underwater Drone Pilot (JUDA)
- Radiation Protection Supervisor
- Decontamination Work Supervisor
- Standard Automobile License
- Maritime/Land/Air Special Radio Technician
- TacMed (Counter Terrorism Combat Casualty Care License)
- Completed the UK National Counter Terrorism Security Office Counter Terrorism Course (the Action Counters Terrorism (ACT))
- US Minnesota Firearms Safety Certificate (FSC, Shotgun/Rifle/Handgun/Bowgun: MDNR・IHEA)
- Minnesota Hunter Education Certificate (HEC, Shotgun/Rifle/Handgun/Bowgun: MDNR・IHEA)
- Minnesota Hunting License (NR-SmallGame: MDNR)
- MFA Emergency Care First Aid
- MFA BBP (Biosecurity and Biosafety)
- Rope Access Certification
- Full Harness Fall Arrest Certification
- Oxygen Deficiency and Hydrogen Sulfide Hazardous Work Certification
- Chemical Substance Manager Certification
- Heat Stroke Prevention Training Certification
- Disaster Prevention Specialist
- Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)

Academic activities

- Academic member of the Japanese Association of Administrative Science (ex board member, ex chairman of East Japan Research Division)
- Academic member of The Academic Association for Organizational Science
- Academic member of the Japan Governance Research Association
- Academic member of the Japan Society of Aerospace and Environmental Medicine
- Academic Member of the The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
- Member of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) U.S. Headquarters

Other activities, etc.

- Japanese Red Cross Society Medal of Merit
- Association of Friends of the Self-Defense Forces (an organization related to the Self-Defense Forces) Special Certificate of Appreciation
- Member of Local Creation SDGs Public-Private Partnership Platform
- Expert member of the Smart IoT Promotion Forum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
- Expert Member of the i-Construction Promotion Consortium of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
- Member of the National Infrastructure Maintenance Council
- Member of International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)
- Member of Japan Corporate Directors Association
- Member of the Japan Hacker Association (white hat hackers, cybersecurity awareness, etc.)
- Member of Direct Force Association
- Chairman of the Grand Prize Selection Committee of the Corporate Governance Award
- Director of GPT Research Institute (GPT Lab)
- Secretary General of ESG Third-Party Evaluation Organization
- Director of DX Promotion Center
- Director of Drone Promotion Center
- Director of Government Audit Internal Control Edification Centre
- Director of Government ICT Security Edification Centre
- Director of Human Rights, Ethics, Diversity & Inclusion Edification Centre
- Disaster of Public Resilience Safety Centre
- Director of Public Training Centre
- Member of the Nerima Ward Social Welfare Council
- Member of the Japan Actors' Union

Our business: JMRI, LLC.

1. Management coaching
2. Planning and organization of lectures, workshops, and exhibitions
3. Publication, editing, and publication support of books and others
4. Implementation of investigation of irregularities, organizational diagnostics, and academic research
5. Production, supervision, and sale of IT software
6. Human resource management work, such as of talents
7. Support and implementation of activities that contribute to society
8. Supervision and production support of TV programs
9. Provision of information to members and services such as case introduction
10. Management of various businesses and organizations
11. Support and implementation of international exchange
12. Production and sale of original products
13. Honoring the achievements and supporting the research of those who have contributed to the public interest
14. Support of activities at international institutions such as the United Nations
15. All work related or incidental to the above

Established in 2003 by Tomonori Tomura.

Contact info:
1st Floor, BIZMARKS Akasaka
2-16-6, Akasaka
Minato-ku, Tokyo
107-0052, JAPAN

Enquiry: Please use this form

Message from the chairman of the Corporate Governance Awards

 Towards the development of a healthy corporate governance and societal landscape for Japanese businesses, I created the Corporate Governance Award to honor those who have taken steps down the path to better corporate governance, so that Japanese businesses can take sure steps towards higher corporate value and adapt to global and societal demands, including through healthy corporate governance, internal controls, and risk management.

 In 2012, I gave out the Courageous Auditor Award and the Courageous Whistleblower Award (both trademarks of Tomonori Tomura) for the first time in Japan, and hosted a special panel discussion at the 2012 Corporate Governance Forum.

 In 2013, I created the Courageous Governance Award for those who have made proactive steps towards corporate governance, and have been honored with widespread participation and support. It is my hope that I can play a role in the creation of an atmosphere that supports and encourages those who take steps towards corporate governance that is beneficial to society.

 As large businesses once recognized as superior went through one scandal after the other, auditors take the countermeasures that must be taken, and internal complainants and whistleblowers attempt to put wrongs right; yet sometimes those who have done what is right experience retaliation from organizations and businesses and are cast out from society.

 There are cases when those who have done wrong experience what is known in audit psychology as "the reversal of victims and offenders" with regards to those who have done right. They treat those who have identified problems in audits or made internal reports to rectify wrongs as "traitors", and act as though these people were the true offenders and the ones who have done wrong were the true victims.

 A system such as that of the US regarding whistleblowing in the public interest, in which a monetary reward is given to whistleblowers, means that a certain reward exists for correct behaviour, and the person will probably not need to worry about his or her livelihood. However, Japan does not have such a system, and it is feared that whistleblowers will be cast out from both their companies and from society, and an environment that encourages doing the right thing will not develop.

 Therefore, although this project may not offer tangible gains such as reward money, I planned and organized it in the hope that it could send a message of societal support to individuals and businesses who persist with what is right in the face of personal danger and risks to their livelihood, and thus become the trigger for changes in the societal environment, no matter how slight.

 This award does not guarantee that individuals or organizations selected for it have no hidden facts in their past, or will continue to act in a healthy manner in the future.

[Reference guide for selection for the award]

- Was the action, report, or complaint a courageous one that was not made from self-interest?
- To whom was the action helpful, such as to victims or society?
- Was the action, report, or complaint not a publicity stunt or an act of revenge?
- Was the method an appropriate one to achieve justice? ...and other criteria

 Based on information from recommendations by advisors as well as through voting, we select individuals and organizations whom we think would be most appropriate to provide societal support - from our company, although this may be presumptuous - to those who have had courage in their pursuit of what is right.

 The awards are not necessarily decided by the scale of reporting on the event, or by the size of the impact. We also do not intend to instigate abuse of the right to make reports or of the rights of auditors.

 These awards do not have an exhaustive grasp of the activities of every manager, auditor, and whistleblower in Japan, and in order to avoid bringing unnecessary anxiety or suspicion to those involved, they are primarily based on information that has been made public. Therefore, it is our wish as well to recognize and to send support to the "nameless warriors" who are involved in disputes that are not publicly known, but in which they are pursuing what is right.

 My hope, Chairman of the Grand Prize Selection Committee of the Corporate Governance Award, is that this award will be evaluated correctly by society, neither as a prize that curries favor with businesses and organizations nor as one that mischievously instigates trouble, but as an important initiative that strengthens the self-cleansing abilities of governing and internal self-governing bodies.

Chairman of the Grand Prize Selection Committee of the Corporate Governance Award
Tomonori Tomura